Policy of Processing of personal data:

The owner of the website and responsible for the processing of personal data, is ECO QUALITY SOCIAL AND SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANCY, S.L.U. (en adelante EQSC, S.L.U.) domiciled at C/ de la Capella, 27 bajo de Algemesí (46680) Valencia and CIF: B-02950731 is the owner of the Portal and makes it available to Internet users, in order to provide information on the services provided by EQSC, S.L.U., as well as to allow the provision of services through the Portal.

Contact information

Contact phone: +34 611 408 138

For any management or request regarding the privacy of EQSC, S.L.U., the user (Data subject) may contact our email address n.pacheco@eqsc.eu

1.- Purpose. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

EQSC, S.L.U. informs the User (Data subject) of the existence of a personal data processing (called “USERS WEB”) created with the data obtained on the website by and for EQSC, S.L.U. and under your responsibility.

This processing of personal data has been created with the purpose of providing information on the provision of the services offered by the Portal, as well as attending and managing the queries made by users (Data subject) through this channel.

 2.- Legitimation. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal standing for EQSC, S.L.U. to processing the user personal data in order to register the Data subject on the site is in the stakeholder’s consent, requested in each case.

The prospective offer of services is based on the consent that is requested from the Data subject without any withdrawal of this consent conditions the execution of other purposes.
The Data subject does not have the obligation to provide us with their personal data, but in case of not providing us with the minimum requested data, the operations offered online on our website, such as attending inquiries, contacting, leaving a comment, cannot be carried out, participate in the Blog or access the “Members Area”, etc.

In addition, we inform you that the Data subject may revoke the consent for the collection and processing of their personal data at any time, through the procedure we establish for this, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

3.- Data communications. Who will receive your data?

The data collected on this website through the corresponding forms will not be transferred to third persons and may only be communicated to other companies that act as personal data controllers, and that will only process the data in accordance with the strict indications that EQSC, S.L.U. set with those managers. In any case, the data will be communicated within the space of the European Union and only for the purposes indicated above.

4.- Rights. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

To the users of the website owned by EQSC, S.L.U. They are guaranteed the rights established in the legislation on the Protection of Personal Data:

In the first place, the user has the right to obtain confirmation about whether in EQSC, S.L.U. Personal data that concerns you or not is being processed.

Users will have the right to access their personal information, rectify incorrect or incomplet information and request the elimination of your data when it is no longer needed for the purposes it was gathered.

In specific circumstances and due to reasons related to your specific data processing situation, the stakeholders may oppose the processing of their data. EQSC, S.L.U. will stop processing the data, except for critical legal reasons, or when exercising or defending potential claims.

Users have the power to request EQSC, S.L.U. that limits the processing of your personal data when the requirements that UE 2016/679 Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights required.

EQSC, S.L.U. informs you that she have implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures that guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing and / or unauthorized access, as provided in the GDPR 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights required.

Finally, we inform that any stakeholder may present a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency when the stakeholder considers that EQSC, S.L.U. has violated the rights that are recognised by the applicable data protection legislation

In the following link you will get more information about the claims before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection:


5.- Commercial communications

EQSC, S.L.U. can send commercial communications by any means with full respect for the legislation that is in force regarding the protection of personal data.

For commercial communications made through email and equivalent means in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the User’s consent will be duly sought at the time of collecting the corresponding data.

The user (Data subject) may revoke at any time the consent given to the reception of personal communications with the simple notification of his will to EQSC, S.L.U. to our email address n.pacheco@eqsc.eu